
General items and posts


So i redesigned the frontpage a bit, added some pages and sliders, rebuilt the menu, added google analytics and some plugins. The teamspeak one is giving me some headaches, got it working on various other platforms, but in WP it’s a bit of a pain. I’ll probably end up importing custom HTML as none of the available plugins seem to work out of the box.

I also found out my youtube account is attached to twitter, (as i saw every song added to a playlist tweeted on Red_Dragon_Club’s twitter account, and got a notify that one of the performing artists favorited it).  Handy features if you don’t forget you enabled them. The playlist has various mashups, mixes and other random tunes.  For the rest you can look at some vids with older captures of some of my builds in OSgrid.

Now to get the imagery to appear in here as i’d like to, and were set to get serious content added. (Right after i made up what it should be).


Happy new year

I managed to muck around in the site a bit, and slowly the base structure is taking shape. The main Red Dragon Branches have found a place in the menu, the music is up, most of the links to my pages are in the website, and it has some “window dressing” I still need to do a lot of work on the media and re size the banner images, but that will happen next year. ( as will all the rest, as the rest of today is reserved for eating drinking & party as we celebrate into 2015 ).

If you are a Gamer, make sure to hit up on my “posts” pages and check the various offers in lord of the rings online, world of tanks, and don’t forget the Steam holiday sale which is packed with discounts. Also a new Humble Bundle will probably appear in not too long. Beats “blowing up” all your money on 20 second fireworks.

That’s all for this year, so on behalf of Red Dragon and all it’s members, happy new year, and all the best for 2015.